fast fix for your CONVERTIBLE camaro top error

"Only manual operation of top possible" Fast fix without tools

Don't have time to read more stuff? For just $5 you can watch the one minute video and be happy again.

Trust me it is no muss no fuss, no life story or extra talking, just an immediate and fast video just over one minute long. Just what you want.

I had the video public for a while to see if it worked for others as well, and it helped thousands of people. I did this on a 2017 Camaro but it has worked on other years as well.

Consider your vacation saved, use your time for better things. Look like a hero to your friends and family. I would have gone back in time and easily paid a lot to know how to get the top fixed this easily myself, but for you? Just $5.00.

You're not alone, plenty of people have this problem and want it fixed asap to get their top down again fast! Here's some happy people from my first video;

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Why pay for this? Why isn't it just shared?

Oh that's easy. I'm just a regular guy trying to get by, and I know I would have paid a cool $5.00 without hesitation to get the time back and avoid the frustration and anger. I did share it for a while though, so now I know for sure it actually works for almost everyone .



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